Does this sound familiar? 

I empower "lucky" women to drop the weight of "having it all" and move from disconnected and lost, to fulfilled and found.

I'm Claire

Overwhelmed: You might feel like you're constantly juggling the demands of your career, family, and personal goals, leaving you stretched too thin and longing for balance.

Stressed: The weight of multiple responsibilities can take a toll, leaving you feeling stressed, impacting your mental and physical well-being.

Anxious: Anxiety can creep in as you worry about meeting expectations, fear failure, or feel the weight of societal standards pressing down on you.

Let me guess, right now you feel...

On the outside you appear to have it all, the house, the husband, the job, the family - you should be grateful right? 

"If you’re thinking about booking a session, just do it!"

Claire’s coaching was a really powerful experience. I loved her approachable nature, the wealth of know she has and her ability to put things into perspective. It was exactly what I needed to start taking action again. If you’re thinking about booking a session, just do it! Thank you again Claire

Marie daines, uk

"I’ve received a great session from the wonderful Claire"

"I’ve received a great session from the wonderful Claire, she always makes you feel so calm and at ease whilst providing you with excellent advice and life hacks I would thoroughly recommend her."

m walton, uk

"Claire has really supported me to start taking action to create my dream business."

"Claire has really supported me to start taking action to create my dream business by helping me to identify my limiting beliefs and put solid plans in place to achieve my goals. She has been easy to talk to, empathetic and kind, whilst really understanding what I am trying to achieve. I always leave my sessions with Claire feeling motivated, ready to start and truly enlightened! Claire has become a valuable mentor and friend too whom I hope to continue to work with – thank you."

Katie Thornell

will have a strong support system and the ability to openly discuss their struggles, reducing feelings of isolation.

Building self-confidence and self-assurance will help them tackle challenges with a strong belief in their abilities.

feel a newfound sense of empowerment, knowing they have the tools and strategies to take control of their lives.

Start feeling like you can conquer the world and that greater success is achievable.

Let's stay in touch!

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Get ready to feel amazing, the true you! That can achieve anything you put your mind too!

Step three

Rock Greater Confidence

I will then create you a plan of action for moving forwards, outlining what we will do in each session moving forwards to help you with your goals in mind.

step two

Create Our Plan of Action

This is a no obligation chat where we will discuss what you are wanting to achieve and how I can help you with my Transformation Coaching. You can also ask me any questions you may have about working with me.

The information you provide on this form will only be used to provide you with updates and personalised marketing. Your privacy is important to us! You can unsubscribe anytime. For more details, review my Privacy Policy.

step one

Book A Free Consultation

Working with me is easy, peasy...

Let's connect and discuss how best I can help you!

Excited to get started? Me too!

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